Tuesday 16 December 2014

Pajeon (Korean Green Onion Pancake) Recipe

I always salivate watching the characters in a drama eating delicious food. In particular Pajeon(Green Onion Pancake) they just make it look so good when they eat it. So I googled around and I came across eatyourkimchi's recipe http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/how-to-make-pajeon/ . This my my variation of their recipe but also check their one out.

What exactly is Pajeon?
It's a Korean savoury pancake with green onions of course. Eatyourkimchi states : (Pa) means green onion and 전 (Jeon) means anything dipped in a flour and water batter and then pan fried 

In this recipe it says that it's best to use the asian thinner stalked chives for this particular recipe. But I ended up just using normal green onions. 

Top Tips : 

  • Make sure the pan isn't too hot otherwise your pancake will burn and If it's too low then the pancake will not get crispy 
  • The Ratio of flour : Water is 1:1, if you'd like to change the serving sizes 
  • Cooking times vary - how thick the pancake is

1-2 Serving 
Batter :
  • 1/2 Cup of Plain Flour 
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • A pinch of Salt 
  • 1/2 Cup of Cold Water 
Filling : 
  • Handful of Green Onions 
  • 1 Beaten Egg (Optional - If you don't want it skip step 4 and 9)
Dipping Sauce : 
  • 2 tbsp of Soy Sauce 
  • 1/2 tsp of rice wine vinegar
  • Small dice garlic 
  • A drop of Sesame oil (if you add too much it'll overpower the whole sauce) 
  • Small red chilli pepper (diced and no seeds) 
Cooking Utensils 
  • 1 Small bowl for Dipping Sauce 
  • A large Mixing bowl for the batter 
  • Measuring Cup 
  • Large Flat Frying Pan 
  • Cooking Chopsticks 
  • Spatula 
  • Sifter
  • Whisk
Cooking Instructions 
1. Put all of the sauce ingredients together and stir. Leave for a bit and allow the flavours to mingle 
2. Wash the green onions and cut off the parts of the stems that you think would be tough or too thick. Then cut them into 5cm or 2 inch batons 
3. Sift the flour, baking soda and salt into the bowl (p.s. if you don't sift it you will get lumps of flour and the baking soda is bitter when not distributed evenly.) Then whisk in the cold water 
The Batter 
4. Beat the egg and set it aside
5. Heat up your frying pan to a medium heat and then add oil and swirl it around the pan
6. Put your green onions in the batter to coat (DO NOT MIX IT) 

7. Work quickly and place all the coated green onions neatly in the pan in a rectangle shape. Try lay them out evenly 

8. Fill in the gaps with the extra batter 

9. When bubbles start to form and pop (1-2 minutes) you can pour the beaten egg over the top. Use your spatula to flip excess egg back into the pancake. 
10. Wait until the egg becomes firm then use the spatula to lift the pancake to see if it's golden brown. Once it is golden, flip the pancake. 
11. Wait for the other side to brown and it should soon be ready to serve 
12. Cut it however you'd like to serve it.


If you end up using this recipe, please let me know what you think in the comments. Also visit http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/how-to-make-pajeon/

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